Preparing for employment and passing selection interviews Personal skills in the professional context French Télécom Paris France
Work, Digital Transformation and Startup-isation Knowledge of socio-economic world French Télécom Paris France
The function of the manager in its relational stakes Management & leadership French Télécom Paris France
Building and managing your professional project: from skills assessment to writing your CV Personal skills in the professional context French Télécom Paris France
Innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship workshop Entrepreneurship & innovation French Télécom Paris France
Rules for Writing a Scientific Article in Science and Technology Life and Environmental Sciences Scientific communication and dissemination French Mines Paris / Chimie ParisTech France
Building up on my talents and skills to develop into a leading candidate Personal skills in the professional context English / French Télécom Paris France
Become an expert or generalist consultant after your PhD Understanding and mastering job specificities English / French Télécom Paris France
Identify, prevent and efficiently deal with your stress Personal skills in the professional context English / French Télécom Paris France
Being (well) visible on the internet: the digital identity of the young researcher Personal skills in the professional context French Mines Paris / Chimie ParisTech France